Longtailed Tit
Not quite what I'd planned for today's picture...
I had thought today I would choose a loose theme of wood (I was thinking cut logs, bark, shavings, knots, sawdust... ) but late this afternoon whilst waiting for some old floorboards to be passed out the window (long story...) I stood in the doorway of the wood shed to shelter from the heavy hail showers. The birds had been very active, in partcular a group of Longtailed Tits that repeatedly came down to feed on the peanut feeder just a few feet from me in the doorway. Although they have become more frequent visitors, we tend to only see the Longtailed Tits when the weather is colder than usual - and they are usually very shy and easily spooked. By the time I'd got the camera (no time to change lens!) they'd more or less decided to head off but I did manage to get one picture before they left for their usual evening perch. I love these little birds, so delicate and such great little characters - I would be chuffed to bits to get a shot of one on a natural perch but, for now, a peanut feeder will have to do.
So, there's a challenge if ever I heard one; Longtailed Tit on natural perch. Right then... any tips?!!
And I suppose as I was in the woodshed sorting out old floorboards I did manage to stick to the 'wood' theme afterall!