Thursday, 28 February 2013

28th February 2013

Long Day 


Not much more to add really, with one thing or another it's been a long couple of days... 


Wednesday, 27 February 2013

27th February 2013

Something Green


A green pepper.

Something Green 

It's been a busy day at work, time was short and nothing was in for dinner. A quick pop to the shop and this pepper ended up being my 'Something Green'. Something Green (or Something Blue) was chosen by Graeme last night as todays theme. Knowing I'd be pushed for time today I chose Green as the easier option; grass, leaves, lichen, leaves etc but as it got dark and I'd still not taken a picture I knew my choices were limited!

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

26th February 2013

Cats eyes, or (k)not?


Eyes in the stairs...

Cats eyes or knot?

Whenever I walk up our stairs and see these knots, I always think they look like cats (a big cat!) eyes staring out at me.  Or maybe I just have a vivid imagination!

Monday, 25 February 2013

25th February 2013

Beginning with F

Feather, a Jay feather.

Beginning with 'F'

Graeme was asked again for a letter for todays theme; this time he chose 'F' (his second choice after having said 'S' and then being reminded he'd already picked 'S' earlier this month!).   There was a scattering of downy feathers found on our walk today, but the results weren't quite what I'd hoped for so the Jay feather (inherited from the previous owners of our house) was called into action as a model. 

Sunday, 24 February 2013

24th February 2013



After a weekend visiting family and friends,and after a long drive home,it was good to get the woodburner lit and a glass of wine poured.


A quick picture before settling down on the sofa after a busy couple of days.  Tomorrow I really must clean the glass on the woodburner!

Saturday, 23 February 2013

23rd February 2013

Woodland Path


A light dusting of snow shows the way ahead.

Woodland Path

The small copse is just off the South Downs Way near the Newmarket Plantation and the "Juggs Road" track. Taken whilst walking the dogs during a weekend trip to Sussex visiting family and friends.

Friday, 22 February 2013

22nd February 2013



A twist of timber.


This twisted timber pole is currently one of the props for the roof of our winter wood store.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

21st February 2013



A scattering of mealworms proves irresistible to the Robins.


This is one of three Robins who spent much of the day shamelessly flirting with one another inbetween guarding the seed from the rest of the local bird population.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

20th February 2013

The Promise


The first daffodil (almost!) and the promise that Spring is just round the corner.

The Promise

There are other daffodils nearby in bloom but this is the first of ours to appear. 

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

19th February 2013



Spidery, skeleton of a Giant Hogweed.


Monday, 18 February 2013

18th February 2013



The Dunnock is often described as "an unobtrusive, small, brown and grey bird" but I can't help but feel a great affection for the humble Dunnock.


Sunday, 17 February 2013

17th February 2013

Crackington Sunset


Sunset at Crackington Haven on the North Cornwall coast.

Crackington Sunset 

Our friends, James and Netty, came to visit - we had a very enjoyable day. The weather couldn't have been better; a glorious early Spring day where the sun shone all day in cloudless blue skies.

I know this is 'Photo-a-Day" but I also really liked the picture below with the sunburst above Cambeak. So I am cheating (it's my blog, I can cheat if I want to!) and adding a second picture.


Saturday, 16 February 2013

16th February 2013



Crocus twins from the same bulb.  Two for the price of one!


Friday, 15 February 2013

15th February 2013



Treecreeper, creeping up a tree.


Taken whilst walking the dogs; a movement caught my eye and this little fellow was going about his business checking the moss for tasty morsels. We hear them more often than see them, so I was pleased to have been able to grab the chance of a picture.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

14th February 2013



Accompanying my card was a bag of Haribo.  Haribo is definiately the way to this girls heart!


It was quite a romantic evening for two... instead it was spent with a group of people for a game ten pin bowling followed by dodgems! 

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

13th February 2013



Please... may have the biscuit now?


Beautiful, patient Meg waiting for her after dinner biscuit to head her way; the perfect model.  Unlike Murphy who was yodelling his head off behind me!

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

12th February 2013

Pancake Day


Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day... and it has to be lemon and sugar!


Just a few seconds to grab a picture before having to tuck in, yummy.

Monday, 11 February 2013

11th February 2013



Frosty teasel seed heads this morning.


We've not had the snow that the rest of the country has recently been having (which is a shame as I LOVE the snow!) so will have to make do with frost which we do get from time to time!

Sunday, 10 February 2013

10th February 2013

After the Rain

Raindrops cling to the remains of Woody Nightshade.

After the Rain

I would just like to point out that as it more or less rains here every day "After the Rain" could be quite a popular theme!

Saturday, 9 February 2013

9th February 2013


A wisp of horse hair caught on the barbed wire fence which separates Davidstow Moor from the conservation area around Crowdy Reservoir. 


Friday, 8 February 2013

8th February 2013


Soft light and shadows...

Soft Snowdrop

Yep it's another snowdrop... no doubt there will be a few more snowdrop pictures before they fade!

Thursday, 7 February 2013

7th February 2013

Primrose Bud

Spring seems to be arriving in a hidden corner of the garden.

Primrose Bud

No theme today as I'd seen this primrose early this morning and thought it could be today's photo. No real science or thought behind it!

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

6th February 2013

Longtailed Tit

Not quite what I'd planned for today's picture...

Longtailed Tit

I had thought today I would choose a loose theme of wood (I was thinking cut logs, bark, shavings, knots, sawdust... ) but late this afternoon whilst waiting for some old  floorboards to be passed out the window (long story...) I stood in the doorway of the wood shed to shelter from the heavy hail showers.   The birds had been very active, in partcular a group of Longtailed Tits that repeatedly came down to feed on the peanut feeder just a few feet from me in the doorway.   Although they have become more frequent visitors, we tend to only see the Longtailed Tits when the weather is colder than usual - and they are usually very shy and easily spooked.    By the time I'd got the camera (no time to change lens!)  they'd more or less decided to head off but I did manage to get one picture before they left for their usual evening perch.  I love these little birds, so delicate and such great little characters - I would be chuffed to bits to get a shot of one on a natural perch but, for now, a peanut feeder will have to do.

So, there's a challenge if ever I heard one; Longtailed Tit on natural perch.  Right then... any tips?!!

And I suppose as I was in the woodshed sorting out old floorboards I did manage to stick to the 'wood' theme afterall!

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

5th February 2013

Beginning with S

Shadow Scroll... Scroll Shadow

Beginning with 'S'

The scroll is a curtain pole finial casting a shadow on the bedroom wall.  Why something beginning with 'S'?   I asked Graeme last night to pick a letter,  he chose 'S'.   He had no idea why he was being asked.

Monday, 4 February 2013

4th February 2013

River Dance

Waves on the river

River Dance 

The River Inny, a tributary of the River Tamar, runs through our land (which all sounds very grand but it's only a small piece!)  The river is constantly changing, dancing a very complex dance.

Sunday, 3 February 2013

3rd February 2013

Sign of Life

The first crocus.

Sign of Life 

This is the first crocus from the many bulbs planted in the Autumn around Lucy's Bench. It was piddling hard when I took this, kneeling on sopping wet grass. 

Saturday, 2 February 2013

2nd February 2013

Waters Edge

Edges of the waves.

Waters edge

A beautiful winters day.  We walked from Northcott Mouth across the cliff path to Sandymouth, then back along the beach to Northcott.  The beach was almost deserted, just perfect.

There is a wreck at Northcott;  SS Belem lies below Menachurch Point, between Northcott Mouth and Sandymouth.  This picture was taken as we walked towards it.   The wreck itself has been bookmarked for a return visit, or two, for my Photo-a-Day.

Friday, 1 February 2013

1st February 2013


Snowdrop, waterdrop...


Snowdrop by the stream, taken on way back from dog walk today. Everything is so damp at the moment - it's either just been raining or it's just about to rain.